On this page you’ll find documents that are not part of the recommendations to DUWO, the Policy Plan, the yearly report or the members’ meetings records.
If the information has been written in Dutch and you would like to know about a specific subject, you can always send us an mail to info@vbu.nl and we will answer your questions in English.
Letter from the major of Amstelveen about the safety on Uilenstede, June 2017
Informatiebrief gemeente Amstelveen veiligheidsacties.
Results survey safety Uilenstede, May 2016
Folder Fire department, December 2016
Folder Brandweer – Brandveilig op kamers
Application form BIG, November 2016
From 2015 on, the VBU is also serving as a tenants initiatives group (in Dutch: Bewoners Initiatieven Groep or BIG). Because of this, it is possible for tenants to do a request to the municipality of Amstelveen for a financial contribution for an event, an activity or another creative plan. This budget is called the ‘activitiesbudget’. The goal of this budget is to activate tenants to participate in their neighborhoods and to organize things that enchances the social cohesion and social quality. Do you have a creative idea? Please use the application form.
Aanvraagformulier Bewonersinitiatief Uilenstede
Accommodate enquête, July 2016
This report contains the results of the annual survey about the living experience of international students.
Q&A Emergency Shelter Refugees Amstelveen, February 2016
There will be 400 refugees staying at location Kronenburg late April . The council of Amstelveen has put together a document with the most frequently asked questions and corresponding answers. This document will be updated regularly by the council.
Q&A Emergency Shelter Refugees Amstelveen
Assembled complaints Tenants-DUWO, February 2015
The VBU cooperated with a tenant of Uilenstede to make an inventory of all the complaints through Facebook. These complaints have been passed on to DUWO. You can find the complaints and the reaction of DUWO in the document below.
Facebook Initiative Complaints Residents Uilenstede
Complaints letter to the Council about the water problem, January 2015
There have been a lot of complaints about the draining of the water on the newly laid streets of Uilenstede. The VBU wrote a complaints letter to the city council to address the problems and to ask for a solution. You can read the letter below.