Welkom bij VBU

Welkom bij VBU

De huurdersorganisatie en bewonerscommissie van Uilenstede

Wat doen wij voor jou?

We represent your interests

The board is always in touch with different parties, like DUWO, gemeente Amstelveen and VU. More information on this is to be found at our important documents page or in the newsletters.

We organize parties

The VBU-Committee organizes parties and events for our tenants, to make sure there is always something you can do on campus. Check our Facebook-page to find more information on upcoming events!

We lend out tools

During our office hours you can borrow tools for free (excl. deposit). See ‘office hours‘ for a list of the available tools.

We provide help and advice

Need help or advice? With our network we can help you on your way, because we know who to bring you in touch with. Look here to see how to get in touch with us.

Tenant Organization Uilenstede (VBU) is a tenant organization. We serve your interests as a tenant on campus Uilenstede. Most tenants know our office as the place to borrow tools. Our office hours also give you the possibility to ask questions or file complaints regarding living on Uilenstede.

Apart from our office hours, the VBU board is also continuously in touch with important parties like DUWO, township Amstelveen and VU. We discuss cases that are relevant to our tenants. More details on this can be found on our ‘public documents‘ page. Unfortunately, they are only available in dutch for now.

Last but not least, our Committee organizes parties and events on campus. These are the perfect way to meet new people. Like our Facebookpage to stay up to date about what the Committee is organizing here!


Since 2015, VBU is not just a tenant organization, but also a Residents Initiatives Group (acronym is BIG in Dutch). This means that Gemeente Amstelveen gives the campus financial aid when an Uilenstede-resident files an initiative. This financial aid is provided to every neighbourhood in Amstelveen. The purpose of this budget is to increase the (social) viability of the district. Residents who would like to organize an activity for the campus can be financially supported by this budget. Do you have an idea? Fill in the following form: Application form Residents Initiative Uilenstede.


Announcement GMM: 18 February
Dear Members, Our next General Members Meeting will take place on February 18 at 8:30 PM....
Lees meer "Announcement GMM: 18 February"
No office-hour 13 June
Dear members, Unfortunately, there will be no office-hour from the VBU this coming Thursday. You are...
Lees meer "No office-hour 13 June"
New GMM date: 29 may
Dear Members, On May 29th at 7:00 PM, our next General Members' Meeting will occur. Are...
Lees meer "New GMM date: 29 may"

Office hours

Tuesday: 17:00 – 19:00
Thursday: 18:00 – 20:00