Ideas needed!

From 2015 on, the VBU is also serving as a tenants initiatives group (in Dutch: Bewoners Initiatieven Groep or BIG). Because of this, it is possible for tenants to do a request to the municipality of Amstelveen for a financial contribution for an event, an activity or another creative plan. This budget is called the ‘activitiesbudget’. The goal of this budget is to activate tenants to participate in their neighborhoods and to organize things that enchances the social cohesion and social quality. Tenants who would like to organize something or who are looking for other tentants with creative ideas are welcome to contact us. For example one could organize a neighborhood BBQ of set up a painting-club.

Do you have a creative idea and would you like to know if it is possible to obtain a financial contribution for it? Please send us an email or visit our office during our office hours.